1 Obtaining a quick overview of the dataset

The loadeR package contains the function dataInventory for a quick overview of the data contained in the dataset. In the case of stations data, the main argument to be provided is the path to the directory where the dataset (stations.txt, variables.txt and associated data) are stored (see section 3.1. Standard (ASCII) format for station data of the Wiki for details on station data format).

For instance, this is a quick overview of the VALUE ECA&D dataset using dataInventory. This dataset contains weather data of 86 stations spread over Europe, and is available for download:

              destfile = "mydirectory/VALUE_ECA_86_v2.tar.gz")
# Extract files from the tar.gz file
untar("mydirectory/VALUE_ECA_86_v2.tar.gz", exdir = "mydirectory")
# Data inventory
value <- "mydirectory/VALUE_ECA_86_v2"
di <-dataInventory(value)
## [2016-02-18 11:05:49] Doing inventory ...
## [2016-02-18 11:05:50] Done.

The object loaded contains all the necessary information in order to make a call to the loading function loadStationData, including station codes, geolocation and details on the variable names, units … :

## List of 3
##  $ Stations     :List of 4
##   ..$ station_id    : chr [1:86] "000012" "000013" "000014" "000015" ...
##   ..$ LonLatCoords  : num [1:86, 1:2] 15.4 11.4 13 12.9 16.4 ...
##   .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. .. ..$ : chr [1:86] "000012" "000013" "000014" "000015" ...
##   .. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "lon" "lat"
##   ..$ times         :List of 3
##   .. ..$ startDate: POSIXlt[1:1], format: "1961-01-01"
##   .. ..$ endDate  : POSIXlt[1:1], format: "2010-12-31"
##   .. ..$ timeStep :Class 'difftime'  atomic [1:1] 24
##   .. .. .. ..- attr(*, "units")= chr "hours"
##   ..$ other.metadata:List of 3
##   .. ..$ name    : chr [1:86] "GRAZ" "INNSBRUCK" "SALZBURG" "SONNBLICK" ...
##   .. ..$ altitude: int [1:86] 366 577 437 3106 198 100 156 4 139 179 ...
##   .. ..$ source  : chr [1:86] "ECA&D" "ECA&D" "ECA&D" "ECA&D" ...
##  $ Variables    :'data.frame':   4 obs. of  3 variables:
##   ..$ variable    : Factor w/ 4 levels "precip","tmax",..: 1 3 4 2
##   ..$ unit        : Factor w/ 2 levels "degC","mm": 2 1 1 1
##   ..$ missing.code: Factor w/ 1 level "NaN": 1 1 1 1
##  $ Summary.stats: NULL

Note that the last element of the inventory, named Summary.stats is NULL. By default, the inventory will return the basic information, but setting the argument return.stats to TRUE will return also a table summarizing the characteristics of the data (percentage of missing data, mean, min and max values):

di2 <- dataInventory(value, return.stats= TRUE)
## [2016-02-18 11:05:50] Doing inventory ...
## [2016-02-18 11:05:56] Done.
## $missing.percent
##        precip tmean tmin tmax
## 000012    0.1   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000013    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000014    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000015    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000016    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000017    2.1 100.0  1.8  2.1
## 000021    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000028    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000029    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000030    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000032    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000038    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000039    0.3   0.7  4.1  2.5
## 000042    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000048    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000054    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000058    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000059    0.3   0.3  0.3  0.2
## 000062    1.2   0.2  0.1  0.1
## 000063    0.5   1.3  0.7  0.8
## 000107    0.0   0.3  0.1  0.1
## 000113    0.6   5.4  1.4  2.0
## 000173    0.3   0.4  0.4  0.4
## 000175    0.1   0.1  0.1  0.0
## 000176    3.7   0.1  0.5  0.5
## 000177    0.3   0.1  0.1  0.1
## 000190    1.7   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000191   31.3   2.7  2.7  2.7
## 000192    1.3   0.0  0.1  0.1
## 000194    0.5   0.4  0.3  0.3
## 000195    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000200    0.0   0.1  0.1  0.1
## 000201    4.6   0.2  0.2  0.2
## 000212    1.0   0.9  0.7  0.4
## 000214    0.0   0.2  0.7  0.7
## 000217    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000219    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000229    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000231    0.0   0.2  0.2  0.2
## 000232    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000234    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000236    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000239    0.0   0.1  0.0  0.1
## 000242    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000243    0.0   0.1  0.1  0.0
## 000244    0.0   0.4  0.1  0.0
## 000272    0.0   1.8  1.8  1.8
## 000274    0.6 100.0  0.9  0.9
## 000275    0.4 100.0  0.6  0.6
## 000322    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000330    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000332   10.1  10.0 10.0 10.0
## 000333   10.0  10.0 10.0 10.0
## 000339    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000349    0.0   0.2  0.2  0.2
## 000350   25.0   0.2  0.2  0.2
## 000351    0.0   0.7  0.2  0.7
## 000355    0.2   0.0  0.1  0.0
## 000450    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000462    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000465    0.7   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000468    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000483    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000708    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 000800    0.0   0.1  0.0  0.0
## 000951    0.0   0.2  0.2  0.1
## 001009    0.0   0.0 18.0 18.0
## 001020    2.2   2.2 20.2 20.2
## 001051    0.0   0.3  0.2  0.3
## 001394    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 001427    0.5   0.3  0.3  0.3
## 001662   34.1  34.1 34.1 34.0
## 001684    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 001686    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 001687    0.4   0.3  0.2  0.1
## 002006    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 002062    0.0   0.1  0.1  0.1
## 002762    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 003919   23.2  26.2 26.2 26.2
## 003946    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 003991    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 003994    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 004002    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 004004    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## 005585   15.6  19.5 19.5 19.5
## 007682    0.0   0.0  0.0  0.0
## $min
##        precip  tmean  tmin  tmax
## 000012      0 -15.60 -19.5 -12.2
## 000013      0 -19.40 -24.7 -14.3
## 000014      0 -21.10 -29.0 -16.0
## 000015      0 -31.80 -34.3 -31.2
## 000016      0 -17.30 -19.6 -15.1
## 000017      0    Inf -16.8  -9.7
## 000021      0 -11.80 -17.2 -10.4
## 000028      0 -32.50 -34.3 -30.7
## 000029      0 -36.10 -38.5 -33.5
## 000030      0 -47.40 -49.5 -44.1
## 000032      0 -17.50 -20.4 -14.6
## 000038      0 -11.40 -13.9 -10.0
## 000039      0  -7.20 -15.0  -5.1
## 000042      0 -15.50 -20.6 -13.0
## 000048      0 -21.00 -22.0 -18.6
## 000054      0 -19.90 -24.5 -15.3
## 000058      0 -30.50 -32.7 -28.9
## 000059      0  -1.20  -4.6   1.6
## 000062      0 -15.70 -21.6 -10.0
## 000063      0   0.60  -5.6   3.0
## 000107      0 -18.30 -25.0 -15.7
## 000113      0 -11.05 -20.2 -10.8
## 000173      0  -5.60  -9.4  -4.0
## 000175      0   0.50  -4.8   2.4
## 000176      0  -5.60 -11.0  -2.6
## 000177      0 -10.70 -18.4  -4.4
## 000190      0 -50.00 -51.2 -49.4
## 000191      0 -32.40 -35.6 -30.2
## 000192      0 -17.70 -20.8 -16.7
## 000194      0 -11.70 -13.1 -10.3
## 000195      0 -19.20 -22.0 -16.4
## 000200      0 -26.60 -30.6 -22.5
## 000201      0 -26.30 -27.8 -25.1
## 000212      0  -6.20 -11.6  -2.8
## 000214      0   2.00 -15.9   3.4
## 000217      0 -23.20 -29.8 -16.0
## 000219      0 -18.40 -25.6 -13.0
## 000229      0  -1.90  -7.2   1.4
## 000231      0   4.30  -2.6   6.4
## 000232      0 -16.20 -20.3 -12.2
## 000234      0  -6.60 -10.0  -4.3
## 000236      0  -1.10  -4.5   1.4
## 000239      0 -18.50 -23.3 -14.0
## 000242      0  -6.80  -9.0  -3.8
## 000243      0 -27.00 -30.4 -24.6
## 000244      0 -18.10 -20.8 -15.2
## 000272      0 -12.00 -19.0  -5.9
## 000274      0    Inf -17.6  -6.7
## 000275      0    Inf -11.7  -4.3
## 000322      0  -9.40 -14.7  -7.5
## 000330      0 -30.00 -32.4 -28.5
## 000332      0 -16.80 -23.2 -13.6
## 000333      0 -27.60 -33.3 -20.8
## 000339      0 -39.50 -41.7 -36.9
## 000349      0  -4.40 -11.2  -1.6
## 000350      0  -5.10  -9.3  -2.7
## 000351      0  -8.20 -15.1  -5.1
## 000355      0 -20.60 -23.1 -18.0
## 000450      0 -24.60 -31.8 -18.1
## 000462      0 -22.20 -25.9 -19.6
## 000465      0 -15.80 -25.4 -14.6
## 000468      0  -9.60 -10.7  -8.2
## 000483      0 -21.60 -25.3 -15.0
## 000708      0 -34.10 -39.3 -31.6
## 000800      0 -12.70 -18.6  -8.4
## 000951      0 -23.50 -30.6 -19.3
## 001009      0 -29.90 -35.1 -27.8
## 001020      0 -26.60 -30.5 -22.0
## 001051      0 -14.70 -15.5 -12.5
## 001394      0  -2.20  -7.0  -0.4
## 001427      0 -41.10 -44.0 -38.0
## 001662      0 -15.30 -20.6 -10.5
## 001684      0 -18.90 -28.9 -14.6
## 001686      0  -4.20  -6.6  -1.8
## 001687      0 -23.40 -24.5 -20.0
## 002006      0 -20.70 -27.5 -17.4
## 002062      0 -15.40 -17.5 -12.4
## 002762      0 -18.00 -21.9 -12.1
## 003919      0   1.00  -6.0   5.6
## 003946      0  -7.20 -14.8   0.2
## 003991      0 -14.60 -20.6 -12.1
## 003994      0 -13.60 -17.0  -9.8
## 004002      0 -23.00 -28.2 -17.3
## 004004      0 -19.90 -24.4 -17.0
## 005585      0 -36.10 -42.3 -31.5
## 007682      0 -36.70 -41.9 -34.0
## $max
##        precip tmean tmin tmax
## 000012   84.2  28.3 22.1 36.6
## 000013   92.2  27.7 23.3 37.4
## 000014  116.7  28.9 22.3 37.7
## 000015  102.2  12.7 10.4 15.0
## 000016   84.9  29.1 24.0 37.6
## 000017   60.4  -Inf 24.0 36.2
## 000021   95.8  30.7 25.7 38.2
## 000028   79.3  25.7 22.2 31.2
## 000029   67.6  26.8 21.9 34.2
## 000030   59.7  24.8 19.4 31.3
## 000032   79.0  31.2 22.7 39.9
## 000038  104.2  32.5 25.5 39.5
## 000039  161.3  33.1 28.3 39.7
## 000042   78.5  28.1 21.5 37.6
## 000048  138.5  28.2 25.9 33.1
## 000054  104.8  29.4 21.8 38.6
## 000058  133.9  12.8 11.2 17.6
## 000059  239.3  34.3 26.6 42.9
## 000062  141.1  37.3 27.2 45.4
## 000063  230.1  32.5 29.0 41.0
## 000107   55.5  26.8 19.9 34.8
## 000113   92.3  32.0 21.4 32.2
## 000173  161.2  35.0 29.7 41.1
## 000175  109.6  33.9 29.0 43.6
## 000176  213.0  31.5 26.0 40.6
## 000177  198.0  32.2 27.2 40.0
## 000190   50.5  26.0 19.4 31.6
## 000191   44.8  21.2 17.9 29.7
## 000192   65.5  24.6 22.8 28.0
## 000194   79.1  23.6 21.1 29.3
## 000195   46.2  21.0 16.4 27.0
## 000200   82.9  26.8 21.5 35.1
## 000201   73.9  27.3 23.1 33.5
## 000212   71.9  30.9 23.9 39.5
## 000214  118.4  33.9 28.1 41.8
## 000217   71.0  31.2 23.1 40.2
## 000219  126.4  31.7 24.4 42.2
## 000229  119.1  33.9 26.0 44.8
## 000231  151.0  34.3 28.8 44.2
## 000232  150.0  25.8 20.6 31.8
## 000234  167.7  30.3 25.2 38.6
## 000236  177.0  32.4 25.4 43.6
## 000239   85.0  29.0 21.3 38.6
## 000242  176.8  28.3 24.1 37.1
## 000243  186.7  17.6 15.6 20.8
## 000244  103.1  27.4 21.0 36.0
## 000272   95.0  21.5 17.2 29.8
## 000274   87.9  -Inf 20.6 35.1
## 000275   54.9  -Inf 16.9 24.5
## 000322   82.6  31.8 24.3 39.5
## 000330   40.3  19.3 16.6 26.8
## 000332  141.0  28.4 21.6 37.2
## 000333   81.0  27.6 21.2 35.5
## 000339   47.0  25.9 21.3 32.5
## 000349   65.0  21.4 16.9 26.3
## 000350  210.0  26.0 19.4 33.6
## 000351   72.8  25.6 19.9 34.8
## 000355  520.0  25.4 22.2 32.7
## 000450   70.4  30.4 25.5 38.3
## 000462   85.7  26.3 23.9 33.8
## 000465   77.5  27.0 21.7 33.2
## 000468   64.9  23.7 21.1 28.7
## 000483  158.0  30.4 23.5 36.9
## 000708   84.7  25.8 20.0 32.3
## 000800   83.0  31.8 24.5 40.7
## 000951  136.7  31.8 24.8 40.1
## 001009   84.7  26.9 21.2 35.2
## 001020   79.8  27.4 22.5 34.7
## 001051  103.6  25.4 23.4 31.6
## 001394  218.0  29.0 23.0 39.4
## 001427   60.1  22.5 16.4 29.5
## 001662   79.3  27.5 20.9 37.2
## 001684  141.0  26.6 22.8 37.0
## 001686  159.0  31.9 28.4 37.5
## 001687  186.0  22.9 21.0 27.6
## 002006  154.5  24.8 21.0 28.2
## 002062  201.0  32.1 27.1 38.5
## 002762   97.8  30.6 22.7 40.2
## 003919  106.7  32.1 27.1 41.4
## 003946   73.4  31.8 24.8 42.2
## 003991   91.9  27.6 20.8 37.9
## 003994   65.6  25.5 22.1 31.3
## 004002  121.8  25.2 18.4 34.9
## 004004   56.6  28.6 21.3 39.0
## 005585   78.8  22.9 17.9 32.1
## 007682   48.4  25.4 20.0 33.0
## $mean
##          precip      tmean       tmin      tmax
## 000012 2.312892 10.1183551  5.5967419 14.604014
## 000013 2.414858  9.7767550  4.7117512 14.807299
## 000014 3.235949  9.4389278  4.7383419 14.104184
## 000015 4.683269 -5.3202771 -7.5743402 -3.045329
## 000016 1.748146 10.6711149  6.7015825 14.602229
## 000017 2.315013        NaN  6.8632735 14.132720
## 000021 2.421323 11.9328058  8.3110010 15.885418
## 000028 1.738895  5.6512156  2.6432209  8.725101
## 000029 1.723114  3.0393106 -1.3725700  7.122343
## 000030 1.407705 -0.5686234 -5.3926076  3.852776
## 000032 2.011812 11.4366553  6.9099660 15.941117
## 000038 1.739475 12.0958712  8.5864144 15.601331
## 000039 1.474632 15.2597188 10.5698224 19.829939
## 000042 1.907820  9.2670956  5.2074362 13.248932
## 000048 3.244420  6.8843500  3.8227631 10.571903
## 000054 1.601265  9.0425051  5.1694873 13.507821
## 000058 5.601117 -4.4990582 -6.9062589 -1.695953
## 000059 2.976650 17.5745565 12.1389722 21.935117
## 000062 1.161428 15.8425075  8.9742162 21.515008
## 000063 1.902031 18.0225280 13.9761480 21.339803
## 000107 2.189574  8.1331347  5.2657290 11.156045
## 000113 1.496716  9.9819801  5.8205856 11.344964
## 000173 2.632045 14.4729632 10.7188448 18.229109
## 000175 1.140982 16.8368006 11.9772847 21.699600
## 000176 2.339645 15.4020502 10.1644182 20.667243
## 000177 2.169947 13.0901754  8.2594375 17.919211
## 000190 1.027997 -1.8748275 -6.9155384  2.749080
## 000191 1.167586  1.7867635 -1.9324669  5.971810
## 000192 2.013425  7.7599430  6.2424611  9.864433
## 000194 3.241819  7.7134665  6.0493932  9.533363
## 000195 1.587523  1.6997125 -0.3128163  3.797376
## 000200 1.724775  6.8084795  3.0593017 10.828468
## 000201 2.110021  7.4734324  4.5940041 10.545326
## 000212 2.110916 12.3667256  6.8951381 18.030530
## 000214 2.111291 17.0869849 13.1702365 21.147037
## 000217 1.608281 10.6392482  5.5681689 16.467944
## 000219 1.669929 10.6881557  5.5075841 16.865962
## 000229 1.298319 16.7174734 10.0086245 23.426240
## 000231 1.560366 18.2555385 13.5096059 23.001515
## 000232 3.675660  6.4993100  2.8844212 10.114801
## 000234 4.244858 13.2629230 10.2777078 16.248330
## 000236 1.481809 17.3598292 11.8842843 22.785823
## 000239 2.217561 10.1286889  6.1470279 14.773926
## 000242 4.344406 12.2456234  8.6981760 16.476204
## 000243 6.872987 -1.4120375 -3.8172648  1.321381
## 000244 3.090790  9.0735792  5.6388901 13.392475
## 000272 4.444234  7.2006105  3.5495735 11.123044
## 000274 1.731048        NaN  6.4974039 14.185183
## 000275 2.213953        NaN  5.0462607 10.605509
## 000322 1.877582 11.7938712  7.5176790 16.016106
## 000330 1.230497  0.1801309 -3.5559334  3.971179
## 000332 1.839626  7.8861463  4.5801168 11.199647
## 000333 1.504864  7.7208227  3.4748053 12.072432
## 000339 1.586984  1.6214489 -2.3920545  5.482767
## 000349 3.274578  8.3419557  5.5922473 11.115089
## 000350 2.379167 10.2620756  7.4885799 13.057353
## 000351 1.649138  9.5446899  5.9010429 13.143556
## 000355 5.591219  4.9620884  2.3256739  7.577215
## 000450 1.756079  8.7874548  3.4828058 14.848609
## 000462 2.288506  8.0084492  4.8056401 11.340779
## 000465 1.421966  7.1701511  3.9961340 10.307852
## 000468 1.994716  9.4406253  7.7253477 11.122571
## 000483 1.814297  9.1285182  5.5003176 13.139853
## 000708 1.627297  4.3222703  0.1344322  8.364892
## 000800 1.769628 13.3923338  8.6385483 18.144118
## 000951 1.587285  9.8116079  5.3327939 15.165057
## 001009 1.706381  6.2847552  2.6636194 10.497856
## 001020 1.633764  6.7242010  2.9919753 11.041660
## 001051 2.702387  7.1151923  4.2394481 10.954875
## 001394 5.103724 12.5987510  7.9375315 17.259227
## 001427 1.671293 -0.9207942 -5.8543417  3.648786
## 001662 1.663926  9.9798156  4.7234845 15.908085
## 001684 3.767337  8.8338736  3.3000767 14.557272
## 001686 2.005355 15.6752409 13.0398478 20.472659
## 001687 5.321376  3.7959155  1.1130418  7.177929
## 002006 4.959139  3.2244606  0.8886540  5.954600
## 002062 1.160059 11.9267664  8.6815546 15.631228
## 002762 2.259857 10.4970403  6.1654309 15.123053
## 003919 1.165785 16.3882026 10.4495032 22.327050
## 003946 1.087022 14.2112857  7.7073814 20.715765
## 003991 1.778984  9.4021794  5.3941737 13.625632
## 003994 1.453592  8.2511335  6.0656828 10.670321
## 004002 4.880380  6.3955481  1.4418903 12.375966
## 004004 1.777385  8.5745920  4.4543643 13.236984
## 005585 2.252986  2.4284966 -2.8856735  7.803122
## 007682 1.433545  2.4122276 -2.1011172  6.380728

A more concise summary of the available stations can be obtained using the stationInfo command. By default, it also returns a map with the locations of the available stations, labelled by their identification codes.

## [2016-02-18 11:05:56] Doing inventory ...
## [2016-02-18 11:05:56] Done.

##    stationID longitude latitude                          name altitude
## 1     000012  15.45000  47.0831                          GRAZ      366
## 2     000013  11.40000  47.2667                     INNSBRUCK      577
## 3     000014  13.00000  47.8000                      SALZBURG      437
## 4     000015  12.95000  47.0500                     SONNBLICK     3106
## 5     000016  16.35000  48.2331                          WIEN      198
## 6     000017   4.36640  50.8000                         UCCLE      100
## 7     000021  15.97810  45.8167                   ZAGREB-GRIC      156
## 8     000028  24.94780  60.1750           HELSINKI-KAISANIEMI        4
## 9     000029  25.67830  62.4019          JYVASKYLA-LENTOASEMA      139
## 10    000030  26.63310  67.3658                     SODANKYLA      179
## 11    000032   2.36670  47.0667                       BOURGES      161
## 12    000038   2.33670  48.8231                     PARIS-14E       75
## 13    000039   5.22670  43.4417           MARSEILLE-MARIGNANE        5
## 14    000042   8.79920  53.0464                        BREMEN        4
## 15    000048  11.01170  47.8017              HOHENPEISSENBERG      977
## 16    000054  13.06390  52.3833                       POTSDAM       81
## 17    000058  10.98670  47.4219                     ZUGSPITZE     2964
## 18    000059  19.91670  39.6167                         CORFU       11
## 19    000062  22.45000  39.6500                       LARISSA       72
## 20    000063  21.70000  36.8331                       METHONI       51
## 21    000107   8.31670  56.7667                     VESTERVIG       18
## 22    000113  10.60000  55.8500                    TRANEBJERG       11
## 23    000173   9.18920  45.4717                         MILAN      150
## 24    000175   9.05000  39.2331                      CAGLIARI       21
## 25    000176  12.58310  41.7831                 ROMA-CIAMPINO      105
## 26    000177  10.86670  45.3831            VERONA-VILLAFRANCA       68
## 27    000190  25.50310  69.4667                      KARASJOK      129
## 28    000191   9.05000  62.1000                KJOEREMSGRENDE      626
## 29    000192  10.53000  59.0267                       FAERDER        6
## 30    000194   4.87810  59.3078                        UTSIRA       55
## 31    000195  31.08440  70.3669                        VARDOE       14
## 32    000200  23.83310  54.8831                        KAUNAS       77
## 33    000201  21.06670  55.7331                      KLAIPEDA        6
## 34    000212  -6.73310  41.8000                      BRAGANCA      690
## 35    000214  -9.15000  38.7167              LISBOA-GEOFISICA       77
## 36    000217  21.35000  46.1331                          ARAD      116
## 37    000219  26.08310  44.5167             BUCURESTI-BANEASA       90
## 38    000229  -6.82920  38.8831        BADAJOZ-TALAVERALAREAL      185
## 39    000231  -4.48810  36.6667                        MALAGA        7
## 40    000232  -4.01030  40.7806                   NAVACERRADA     1894
## 41    000234  -2.03920  43.3075         SAN-SEBASTIAN-IGUELDO      251
## 42    000236   0.49139  40.8206 TORTOSA-OBSERVATORIO-DEL-EBRO       44
## 43    000239   7.58310  47.5500               BASEL-BINNINGEN      316
## 44    000242   8.96670  46.0000                        LUGANO      300
## 45    000243   9.35000  47.2500                       SAENTIS     2502
## 46    000244   8.56670  47.3831              ZUERISWITZERLAND      556
## 47    000272  -3.20000  55.3167                   ESKDALEMUIR      242
## 48    000274  -1.26670  51.7667                        OXFORD       63
## 49    000275  -3.08310  58.4500                          WICK       36
## 50    000322  -1.73310  48.0667                        RENNES       36
## 51    000330   9.28310  62.1167                       FOKSTUA      952
## 52    000332  17.53310  54.7500                          LEBA        2
## 53    000333  22.25000  52.2500                       SIEDLCE      152
## 54    000339  24.14390  65.8269                     HAPARANDA        5
## 55    000349  -6.32000  58.3300                     STORNOWAY        9
## 56    000350  -4.53310  53.2500                        VALLEY       11
## 57    000351   0.52389  53.1658                    WADDINGTON       68
## 58    000355   3.58310  44.1167                  MONT-AIGOUAL     1567
## 59    000450  24.15000  45.8000                         SIBIU      444
## 60    000462  11.99420  57.7158                      GOTEBORG        5
## 61    000465  18.33310  57.6667                         VISBY       42
## 62    000468   7.89310  54.1764                     HELGOLAND        4
## 63    000483  13.75580  51.1292             DRESDEN-KLOTZSCHE      227
## 64    000708  23.50060  60.8139          JOKIOINEN-JOKIOISTEN      104
## 65    000800   1.37810  43.6231              TOULOUSE-BLAGNAC      151
## 66    000951  27.63310  47.1667                          IASI      102
## 67    001009  24.76670  56.2000                        BIRZAI       60
## 68    001020  23.51670  54.2331                      LAZDIJAI      133
## 69    001051   7.41670  62.2333                       TAFJORD       15
## 70    001394  -8.41060  42.8878        SANTIAGO-DE-COMPOSTELA      370
## 71    001427  17.00000  66.3797                       JACKVIK      430
## 72    001662   7.33310  46.2167                          SION      482
## 73    001684  15.36670  44.5500                        GOSPIC      564
## 74    001686  16.45000  43.1667                          HVAR       20
## 75    001687  14.98310  44.8167                       ZAVIZAN     1594
## 76    002006  10.62000  51.8000                       BROCKEN     1142
## 77    002062  28.63000  44.2200                     CONSTANTA       13
## 78    002762   8.33080  48.9733                  RHEINSTETTEN      116
## 79    003919   2.73670  39.5606             PALMA-DE-MALLORCA        8
## 80    003946  -3.55560  40.4667                MADRID-BARAJAS      609
## 81    003991   8.65060  50.6008            GIESSEN-WETTENBERG      203
## 82    003994  13.43670  54.6817                        ARKONA       42
## 83    004002  10.27670  47.3989                    OBERSTDORF      806
## 84    004004  12.10310  49.0433                    REGENSBURG      365
## 85    005585  13.26000  61.1700                         SALEN      360
## 86    007682  25.09250  64.6833          SIIKAJOKI-REVONLAHTI       48
##    source
## 1   ECA&D
## 2   ECA&D
## 3   ECA&D
## 4   ECA&D
## 5   ECA&D
## 6   ECA&D
## 7   ECA&D
## 8   ECA&D
## 9   ECA&D
## 10  ECA&D
## 11  ECA&D
## 12  ECA&D
## 13  ECA&D
## 14  ECA&D
## 15  ECA&D
## 16  ECA&D
## 17  ECA&D
## 18  ECA&D
## 19  ECA&D
## 20  ECA&D
## 21  ECA&D
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## 23  ECA&D
## 24  ECA&D
## 25  ECA&D
## 26  ECA&D
## 27  ECA&D
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## 30  ECA&D
## 31  ECA&D
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## 79  ECA&D
## 80  ECA&D
## 81  ECA&D
## 82  ECA&D
## 83  ECA&D
## 84  ECA&D
## 85  ECA&D
## 86  ECA&D

2 Loading station data

The function loadStationData is the interface to acces observational datasets. There are several ways in which observations data can be queried. The most common cases are next presented.

2.1 Loading station data from station codes

Given the station codes provided by the inventory, it is possible to retrieve a time series for a selected station or several time series for several stations directly by the identification codes. This will load summer temperature data (JJA) for the period 1981-2000 for two stations: San Sebastian-Igueldo and Madrid-Barajas:

example1 <- loadStationData(dataset = value, 
                            stationID = c("000234", "003946"), 
                            season = 6:8, 
                            years = 1981:2000)
## [2016-02-18 11:05:57] Loading data ...
## [2016-02-18 11:05:58] Retrieving metadata ...
## [2016-02-18 11:05:58] Done.
## List of 5
##  $ Variable:List of 1
##   ..$ varName: chr "tmax"
##  $ Data    : num [1:1840, 1:2] 29 22.4 15.2 18.2 23 20 27.4 28.8 17.6 16.8 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimensions")= chr [1:2] "time" "station"
##  $ xyCoords: num [1:2, 1:2] -2.04 -3.56 43.31 40.47
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "000234" "003946"
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "longitude" "latitude"
##  $ Dates   :List of 2
##   ..$ start: chr [1:1840] "1981-06-01 00:00:00" "1981-06-02 00:00:00" "1981-06-03 00:00:00" "1981-06-04 00:00:00" ...
##   ..$ end  : chr [1:1840] "1981-06-02 00:00:00" "1981-06-03 00:00:00" "1981-06-04 00:00:00" "1981-06-05 00:00:00" ...
##  $ Metadata:List of 4
##   ..$ station_id: int [1:2] 234 3946
##   ..$ name      : chr [1:2] "SAN-SEBASTIAN-IGUELDO" "MADRID-BARAJAS"
##   ..$ altitude  : int [1:2] 251 609
##   ..$ source    : chr [1:2] "ECA&D" "ECA&D"

2.2 Loading station data from geographical coordinates

Alternatively, we can choose a location by its coordinates. From the stationInfo output, we know the geographical coordinates of the San Sebastian-Igueldo (-2.03920, 43.3075). We can introduce these coordinates in the lonLim and latLim arguments. Note that it is not necessary to specify all the decimals, as the function will take care of finding the closest station to the given coordinate:

example2 <- loadStationData(dataset = value, 
                            lonLim = -2.03, 
                            latLim = 43.3, 
                            season = 6:8, 
                            years = 1981:2000)
## [2016-02-18 11:05:58] Closest station located at 0.0119 spatial units from the specified [lonLim,latLim] coordinate
## [2016-02-18 11:05:59] Loading data ...
## [2016-02-18 11:06:00] Retrieving metadata ...
## [2016-02-18 11:06:00] Done.
## List of 5
##  $ Variable:List of 1
##   ..$ varName: chr "tmax"
##  $ Data    : num [1:1840, 1] 29 22.4 15.2 18.2 23 20 27.4 28.8 17.6 16.8 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimensions")= chr [1:2] "time" "station"
##  $ xyCoords: num [1, 1:2] -2.04 43.31
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : chr "000234"
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "longitude" "latitude"
##  $ Dates   :List of 2
##   ..$ start: chr [1:1840] "1981-06-01 00:00:00" "1981-06-02 00:00:00" "1981-06-03 00:00:00" "1981-06-04 00:00:00" ...
##   ..$ end  : chr [1:1840] "1981-06-02 00:00:00" "1981-06-03 00:00:00" "1981-06-04 00:00:00" "1981-06-05 00:00:00" ...
##  $ Metadata:List of 4
##   ..$ station_id: int 234
##   ..$ name      : chr "SAN-SEBASTIAN-IGUELDO"
##   ..$ altitude  : int 251
##   ..$ source    : chr "ECA&D"

2.3 Loading station data within a given geographical bounding box

A particular case of selection by coordinates is when all data within a given bounding box is desired. In this case, the lonLim and latLim arguments are filled with a vector of length two, defining the corners of the bounding box. For instance, running the next example, MARSEILLE-MARIGNANE, CAGLIARI, NAVACERRADA, SAN-SEBASTIAN-IGUELDO, etc. are loaded.

example3 <- loadStationData(dataset = value, 
                            lonLim = c(-5,10), 
                            latLim = c(37,45), 
                            season = 6:8, 
                            years = 1981:2000)
## [2016-02-18 11:06:01] Loading data ...
## [2016-02-18 11:06:01] Retrieving metadata ...
## [2016-02-18 11:06:01] Done.
## List of 5
##  $ Variable:List of 1
##   ..$ varName: chr "tmax"
##  $ Data    : num [1:1840, 1:9] 30.4 27.8 25 22.2 27.2 30.1 28.1 28.2 30.3 31.2 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimensions")= chr [1:2] "time" "station"
##  $ xyCoords: num [1:9, 1:2] 5.227 9.05 -4.01 -2.039 0.491 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:9] "000039" "000175" "000232" "000234" ...
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "longitude" "latitude"
##  $ Dates   :List of 2
##   ..$ start: chr [1:1840] "1981-06-01 00:00:00" "1981-06-02 00:00:00" "1981-06-03 00:00:00" "1981-06-04 00:00:00" ...
##   ..$ end  : chr [1:1840] "1981-06-02 00:00:00" "1981-06-03 00:00:00" "1981-06-04 00:00:00" "1981-06-05 00:00:00" ...
##  $ Metadata:List of 4
##   ..$ station_id: int [1:9] 39 175 232 234 236 355 800 3919 3946
##   ..$ altitude  : int [1:9] 5 21 1894 251 44 1567 151 8 609
##   ..$ source    : chr [1:9] "ECA&D" "ECA&D" "ECA&D" "ECA&D" ...

2.4 Loading all stations

By default, the arguments defining the spatial domain of the query (lonLim and latLim or stationID) are NULL. If none of them is indicated, the function will load all available stations for the time domain selected:

example4 <- loadStationData(dataset = value, 
                            season = 6:8, 
                            years = 1981:2000)
## [2016-02-18 11:06:02] Loading data ...
## [2016-02-18 11:06:03] Retrieving metadata ...
## [2016-02-18 11:06:03] Done.
## List of 5
##  $ Variable:List of 1
##   ..$ varName: chr "tmax"
##  $ Data    : num [1:1840, 1:86] 28.4 29.1 30.1 29.3 21.8 20.4 24.7 27.4 26.8 24.9 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimensions")= chr [1:2] "time" "station"
##  $ xyCoords: num [1:86, 1:2] 15.4 11.4 13 12.9 16.4 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:86] "000012" "000013" "000014" "000015" ...
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "longitude" "latitude"
##  $ Dates   :List of 2
##   ..$ start: chr [1:1840] "1981-06-01 00:00:00" "1981-06-02 00:00:00" "1981-06-03 00:00:00" "1981-06-04 00:00:00" ...
##   ..$ end  : chr [1:1840] "1981-06-02 00:00:00" "1981-06-03 00:00:00" "1981-06-04 00:00:00" "1981-06-05 00:00:00" ...
##  $ Metadata:List of 4
##   ..$ station_id: int [1:86] 12 13 14 15 16 17 21 28 29 30 ...
##   ..$ name      : chr [1:86] "GRAZ" "INNSBRUCK" "SALZBURG" "SONNBLICK" ...
##   ..$ altitude  : int [1:86] 366 577 437 3106 198 100 156 4 139 179 ...
##   ..$ source    : chr [1:86] "ECA&D" "ECA&D" "ECA&D" "ECA&D" ...

The same behaviour can be expected with the time definition of the query. For instance, when season and/or years are left to their default value NULL, all months and/or years within the dataset will be returned.

3 Plotting example

The next example plots the time series retrieved in the example 1. Note that time is defined by lower and upper time bounds, rather than one single verification date:

time <- as.POSIXlt(example1$Dates$start)
#First station
plot(time, example1$Data[,1],, ty = 'l', col = "blue", xlab = "time", ylab = "T (ºC)")
#Second station
lines(time, example1$Data[,2], ty = 'l', col = "red")
legend("bottomright", c("San Sebastian", "Madrid"), col = c("blue", "red"), lty = 1)
title("Tmax - JJA (1981-2000)")

4 Examples of available station datasets

4.1 GSN

The GSN dataset contains data for a World station network. A subset of the stations with at least the 75% of the data in the period 1979-2012 (374 stations), can be downloaded as follows:

              destfile = "mydirectory/GSN_World.tar.gz")
# Extract files
untar("mydirectory/GSN_World.tar.gz", exdir = "mydirectory")
# Define the path to the data directory
gsn <- "mydirectory/GSN_World"
gsnload <- loadStationData(gsn, var = "tmean")
## [2016-02-18 11:06:07] Loading data ...
## [2016-02-18 11:06:09] Retrieving metadata ...
## [2016-02-18 11:06:10] Done.
x <- getCoordinates(gsnload)$x
y <- getCoordinates(gsnload)$y
plot(x,y, pch = 10, col = "blue")


The VALUE ECA&D dataset contains weather data of 86 stations spread over Europe, and is available for download:

              destfile = "mydirectory/VALUE_ECA_86_v2.tar.gz")
# Extract files from the tar.gz file
untar("mydirectory/VALUE_ECA_86_v2.tar.gz", exdir = "mydirectory")
# Data inventory
value <- "mydirectory/VALUE_ECA_86_v2"
valueload <- loadStationData(value, var = "tmean")
## [2016-02-18 11:06:11] Loading data ...
## [2016-02-18 11:06:12] Retrieving metadata ...
## [2016-02-18 11:06:12] Done.
x <- getCoordinates(valueload)$x
y <- getCoordinates(valueload)$y
plot(x,y, pch = 10, col = "blue")


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## R version 3.2.3 (2015-12-10)
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